Meet The Vault: Sam of Project Object Vintage

Get to know Sam, the owner of Project Object Vintage, featured at The Vault Collective Vermont. We asked Sam about shopping sustainably, being a part of a local creative community, and more. Here are her responses:
My first experience with vintage was when I was 13. It was 1998, and I went to Urban Outfitters and wanted a pair of ripped jeans for some ungodly amount of money. My mom was like, “Absolutely not, get in the car.” So we went to the AMVETS thrift store in DC, and I found a pair for 25 cents.
My mom and aunt both have a really good eye, and taught me to find quality items, which I’ve been doing ever since. I was always really into thrifting. Then I got into sustainable farming when I was in college - I took a permaculture course and got more into sustainability, and started to understand the importance of small businesses and local economies.
I had been farming for about 10 years, and was tired of finding seasonal winter work. So I started Project Object Vintage in the winter of 2014 to hold me over between farm seasons, and have been doing it since then. It really nicely balances sustainable food production by providing an alternative clothing option to the wasteful corporate-owned brands that, I think, are not a great option for the environment or the economy.
I would say my personal style is eclectic, but always with an eye to quality. I focus on selecting natural fibers that are really well made, and picking classic pieces that hold up on their own, but also can be mixed into a more contemporary wardrobe. One of my favorite pieces I’ve found is this incredible baby blue blanket coat with seagulls all over it, which was a really amazing find.
Two of Sam’s best finds : the seagull coat, and a sherbert-colored DVF wrap dress.
I am really excited that people have embraced the vest - I think it’s a great look. I will say, I was on the vest train years ago. I’m also loving suits right now. I have a lot of matching suits, which I think are a thing right now… maybe less so in Burlington. But I’ve been collecting them. And I’m always one for a bold knit sweater. Classic.
I see shopping vintage or second-hand as just one of many ways to spend money so that it supports people who are your neighbors, and are in your school system and shopping at your grocery store. So I really believe in collaboration over competition - I think that any time small business people support each other it benefits everybody. Having blank walls in my studio and being able to invite local artists to hang their work is such a fun way to both share what they’re making, make the studio feel different, and hopefully financially support them. It helps foster connections, and you get to know people.
Work by artists Sarah Letteney and Ashley Roark featured in Sam's studio on Howard Street.
One of the best parts about selling at The Vault is being able to have a vintage community, and meeting the other vendors. I’ve met so many amazing people over the years from all parts of Vermont that I wouldn’t have had an opportunity to meet unless we connected there. I also love interacting with the public - being in a small city, in a small state, and having familiar faces come through is really a sweet way to feel connected.
You can shop Sam's collection, Project Object Vintage, at The Vault Collective here!